About Us

Why is DEI so important to us?

There are so many reasons that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) pulls at my heartstrings personally and professionally.

As a mother of three wonderful children, I’ve juggled my role as a working mom with a full-time career in Human Resources. Balancing these roles wasn’t always easy, but with the support of my leaders, husband, loved ones, and friends, I chose to pursue both paths.

As an Asian-American, a disabled veteran’s spouse, and a survivor of sexual harassment, I’ve faced biased perceptions despite consistently delivering excellent work and completing projects well ahead of schedule. These experiences, while challenging, have made me stronger, more empathetic, and better rounded. They have also deepened my understanding of the diverse definition of identity.

Throughout my years as a Human Resources Professional, I’ve learned that employees are the biggest asset to any company and the success of an organization lies solely in empowering your people. My management style reflects these principles – treating everyone fairly, respectfully, and with compassion. We spend so many hours at work, so why not make it a place where everyone feels they belong?