• What does DEI stand for?
    • DEI stands for diversity, equity, and inclusion.  These building blocks are essential for corporate programs, in alignment with a company’s mission, to create a thriving environment for everyone, and eliminate bias for the below:
      • Ethnicity
      • Sexual orientation
      • Gender identity
      • Physical ability
      • Religion
      • Age
      • Marital status
      • Socioeconomic status
      • National origin
      • Veteran status
  • Why is DEI so important?
    • Not all companies are created equally, but a commonality all successful businesses can agree upon is being equitable and inclusive creates a positive experience for employees.  Isn’t that what we, as professionals, strive for?
  • Why are DEI activities, or products, important?
    • Celebrating, or promoting, inclusion and diversity through a plan, activities, and/or products creates a workplace environment where ALL individuals feel save or valued. WIN WIN!
  • How do we start a DEI Program?
    • A DEI program can have a positive impact, inclusive of company size and budget amount.  Look at the DEIDeliverables.com DEI Calendar and be creative or sign up for our DEI Subscription Boxes (monthly or bi-monthly). Set some goals, and get involvement from other individuals to make it fun and engaging.
  • How can DEIDeliverables.com enhance our DEI Plan?
    • Depending on what stage your company is in with creating, or implementing, your DEI program – our products are designed to promote diversity and encourage engagement!